Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sea Gulls

Sea Gulls, Sea Gulls, Sea Gulls – They are everywhere on the beach today. The tide is high right now so most of the birds seem to be hanging out in the water. But there are a few who are walking along the water’s edge. No matter if they are walking or floating in the water, they are loud. They seem to constantly be squawking, as if they don’t know how to be quiet. I wonder what they are saying? Are they just telling each other where the food is under the water, are they bickering at each other, or are they observing me as I am observing them? Are they mocking me, asking each other way is that crazy woman staring at us, maybe she has food with her?

As I continue to observe them, their life seem so simple at this moment – Dive for food, eat food, preen, fly a few feet to move location, sleep, and bicker at each other.

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